Save Your American Dream with Tax Mitigation
The tax system creates a great obstacle to financial independence. To get past that obstacle, you need to know how to operate your business in a tax efficient manner. American Dream CPA has been delivering tax mitigation strategies that minimize tax liabilities and maximize savings since 1986. Tax Mitigation uses proven legal techniques to reduce and delay your taxes. Our clients rely on us for precisely engineered returns, crafted with care, designed for compliance, and backed by sound tax advice. Discover just how affordable, convenient, easy and secure the process can be.
The American Dream Concierge Program
Did you know that almost any legal expense can be deductible under the right circumstance? The challenge is in knowing how to leverage these deductions using the right facts, justifications and supporting details that apply to you and your business.
That’s why we developed our personalized Concierge Program: to design, implement and maintain a long-term tax strategy that will provide you with the lowest practical tax consistent with the life you want to live.
Beyond returns, you’ll benefit from an array of complementary tax planning and consulting services that extend all the way to Accounting & Payroll as well as Corporate Finance & Compliance.
For reasonable monthly fees matched to your business income, we’re here to help you save tens of thousands each year— and put your money to work to get the life that you’ve earned. [Learn More]
Concierge Program Services
Tax Strategy, Planning and Preparation
Maximize legitimate expenses and lower your taxes with bulletproof deductions.
Benefit from a long-term tax strategy to achieve the lowest practical tax consistent with your lifestyle and financing requirements.
Accounting and Payroll
Ensure all business income and expenses are properly recorded.
Transform payroll from a routine activity to a strategic, business-and lifestyle-building power tool.
Corporate Formation & Compliance
Get help forming the right corporate structure for the best tax benefits—and to keeping your organization compliant at all times.
Helping Clients Achieve Their American Dream Since 1986
Manage and minimize taxes ahead of time.
Have the best responses to third party queries.
Support creative transactions with the right documentation and tax laws.
“Are you running a small business? Congratulations: You are the backbone of our economy, the cornerstone of your community, and a touchstone for a bright future. As we support your business, we celebrate the spirit of independence that has brought you this far.”
— Adrian Keith Skane, Senior Partner, CPA