To understand how Locum Tenens can work to your advantage, start here:
Businesses can take all sorts of “ordinary and necessary” tax deductions (including for jets, boats and limousines) and apply "tax credits" to reduce their taxes. Corporations use a separate tax system. Corporations hire lobbyists, buy political influence and get unbelievable tax benefits. The result is that corporations pay less than 2% of their total income in federal income taxes.
Individuals, on the other hand, can take very limited deductions and must pay a substantial portion of their income in taxes.
As a Locums, you can take advantage of both tax systems by filing a separate S Corporation return for your Locums income and expenses in addition to your individual income tax return.
Granted, Locums work isn’t the best fit for everyone: It tends to involve extensive travel. That said, if you you don’t mind travel you can work a “7-on-7-off” shift or work 15% fewer shifts and end up with the same after-tax income as a full-time job.
“We take you and your money personally, and we’re here to make sure more of it stays where it belongs—with you. Our successful track record over decades demonstrates our methods work. Our expertise and efficiency keep our fees reasonable.”
Adrian Keith Skane, Senior Partner, CPA